Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Funny Stories About Britney?

man2sting | 3:27 PM |
Britney Spears is one of the most popular famous people in the world's whom many people're talking about. Are you looking for some funny stories about her? You've come to the right place. All in all, why Should Britney Spears be searched by millions of people on the Internet? It's easy to answer. If she were born in Bangladesh and no matter what beautiful her name were, she wouldn't be as famous as she is now. Kidding! Off course, people tend to look for anything sensational or controversial and she happens to be one of the objects. She's really famous in the world.

When it comes to weird joke, we must be able to distinguish between Britney with Spears and another one without them. According to anonymous, digesting a funny story about famous people without include the object alter ego is just like you go out for dinner but instead of eating you're cleaning up the dining table as the restaurant is running out of food you wish to order.

How about asking Britney about Urine Drug Test? She knows much about it. Don't do the urine drug test if you think you're free from narcotics. But if it is a must, you don't have to get away from it. Just prove it you're just fine. Ask this woman who happens to be a doctor. Does it sound a parody? Sure, it'a funny story about famous people blog. Introducing the expert who has a lot of experiences on this matter. You just cannot ask her to dance with you, because she's not a celebrity you know as the one singing I'm not a girl, not yet a woman. However, forget about the urine drug test, if you're sure you're free about such conducts. And this Britney won't catch you if she can.

What?! Famous people are subject to ridicule? Have you heard about Britney VS Lady Gaga funny story? We'd better place Britney without Spears on the left corner and Lady without Gaga on the right one of the ring. You bet, it's not Muhammad Ali vs George Foreman, it's Britney vs Gaga. It's not a heavy weight championship in the world. It's not a song contest, either. However the rule is still the same. A boxing match typically consists of a determined number of three-minute rounds, a total of up to 12 rounds (formerly 15). And they have to outdo one another teaching the audience Spanish.

Does it sound crazy? Welcome to funny story about famous people blog.

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